83 research outputs found

    Guaranteed parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems using improved bounding techniques

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    This paper is concerned with guaranteed parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems in a context of bounded measurement error. The problem consists of finding - or approximating as closely as possible - the set of all possible parameter values such that the predicted outputs match the corresponding measurements within prescribed error bounds. An exhaustive search procedure is applied, whereby the parameter set is successively partitioned into smaller boxes and exclusion tests are performed to eliminate some of these boxes, until a prespecified threshold on the approximation level is met. Exclusion tests rely on the ability to bound the solution set of the dynamic system for a given parameter subset and the tightness of these bounds is therefore paramount. Equally important is the time required to compute the bounds, thereby defining a trade-off. It is the objective of this paper to investigate this trade-off by comparing various bounding techniques based on interval arithmetic, Taylor model arithmetic and ellipsoidal calculus. When applied to a simple case study, ellipsoidal and Taylor model approaches are found to reduce the number of iterations significantly compared to interval analysis, yet the overall computational time is only reduced for tight approximation levels due to the computational overhead. © 2013 EUCA

    Mathematical modeling of diafiltration

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    The main objective of this study is to provide a general mathematical model in a compact form for batch diafiltration techniques. The presented mathematical framework gives a rich representation of diafiltration processes due to the employment of concentration-dependent solute rejections. It unifies the existing models for constant volume dilution mode, variable volume dilution mode, and concentration mode operations. The use of such a mathematical framework allows the optimization of the overall diafiltration process. The provided methodology is particularly applicable for decision makers to choose an appropriate diafiltration technique for the given separation design problem

    Pengaruh Periklanan Dan Ketidakpuasan Terhadap Keinginan Berpindah Merek Oleh Konsumen Laptop Di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh periklanan dan ketidakpuasan konsumen laptop di Kota Banda Aceh terhadap keinginan berpindah merek. Model analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji t diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 1,383 untuk variabel periklanan dan 7,898 untuk variabel ketidakpuasan, sedangkan nilai ttabel sebesar 1,984. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa secara parsial hanya variabel ketidakpuasan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keinginan berpindah merek, sedangkan variabel periklanan tidak berpengaruh signifikan


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    The assumption of normality is often not fulfilled, this causes the estimation of the resulting parameters to be less efficient. The problem with assuming that normality is not satisfied can be overcome by resampling. The use of resampling allows data to be applied free of distributional assumptions. In this study, a research simulation was carried out by applying Jackknife resampling and Double Jackknife resampling in path analysis with the assumption that the normality of the residuals was not fulfilled and the number of resampling was set at 100 with the degree of closeness level of relationship between variables consisting of low closeness, medium closeness, and high closeness. Based on the simulation results, resampling with a power of 100 can overcome the problem of unfulfilled normality assumptions. In addition, the comparison of the relative efficiency level of the resampling jackknife and double jackknife in the path analysis obtained by the resampling double jackknife has more efficiency than the resampling jackknif

    Detection of Edwardsiella Tarda From African Catfish (Clarias Garipienus) by Agar Gel Precipitation (AGP) Method in Jambi

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    For the past few years, Edwardsiella tarda has become major problem in African catfish culture in Jambi. Detection by biochemical characteristic can lead to inaccurate result and there is a necessity to develop more specific and accurate method, one of which is Agar Gel Precipitation (AGP) method. Six samples each were collected from two African catfish farm located in District Sungai Gelam and Telanai Pura in Jambi, which was showed clinical signs of E. tarda outbreak with more than fifty percent mortality rate. Heat stable soluble antigen was prepared from 2 groups of pure culture isolated from sample for AGP test. Antiserum for test wells was antiserum of E. tarda (ATCC 15947) that have been produced by inoculating whole-cell antigen (heat-stable) and flagellar antigen (formalin-killed) in rabbit. For control positive, soluble antigen prepared from E. tarda (ATCC 15947), and control negative from Aeromonas hydophila (ATCC 35654) and Edwardsiella ictaluri (NCIMB 13272). Both antiserums were able to show positive reaction visible by the formation of specific precipitin lines between antiserum and antigen wells, and there was no precipitin reaction for negative control. In conclusion AGP method is a one of reliable technique to identify E. tarda

    Deteksi Edwardsiella Ictaluri Pada Ikan Dengan Metode Co-Agglutination Test

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    Teknik immunodiagnostik dengan menggunakan uji serologis co-agglutination telah lama dikenal dalam mendeteksi infeksi bakteri dan virus pada manusia, hewan, ikan, dan cemaran pada produk-produk perikanan. Keunggulan teknik ini adalah sederhana, cepat, murah, dan akurat, terutama untuk penerapan di lapangan karena dapat mendeteksi langsung dari organ. Namun penggunaan metode kurang dikenal dibandingkan metode lain yang lebih kompleks dan mahal seperti ELISA dan FAT. Pengembangan metode ini di Indonesia telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2014 dan telah diaplikasikan di lapangan dengan hasil yang memuaskan, terutama dalam mendeteksibakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri penyebab penyakit Edwardsiella Septicemia of Catfish pada ikan patin (Pengasius hypophtalmus) dan lele (Clarias garipienus) di Jambi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 70 lokasi sentra budidaya ikan patin dan lele di 4 kabupaten, di Provinsi Jambi selama bulan April-Juni 2015. Pengujian dengan teknik co-agglutination mendeteksi 5 lokasi budidaya positif tersebut E. ictaluri. Organ yang diuji dengan teknik ini diisolasi ke media agar untuk diuji secara konvensional dan serologis dengan metode rapid slide aglutination dan terkonfirmasi positif. Isolat yang diperoleh juga diujibandingkan ke laboratorium yang telah terakreditasi dalam ruang lingkup E. ictaluri di Batam dan Tanjung Pinang, dan mendapatkan hasil positif. Uji lapangan inimembuktikan bahwa teknik co-agglutination dapat memberikan hasil yang valid dalam waktu beberapa jam saja dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional yang memakan waktu berhari-hari, ataupun dengan metode ELISA dan FAT yang membutuhkan biaya tinggi. Inovasi teknologi dengan metode ini dapat menjadi jawaban atas tantangan globalisasi terutama dengan diberlakukannya kawasan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean, dimana lalulintas peredaran ikan dan pengembangan industri perikanan makin meluas yang membawa resiko merebaknya wabahpenyakit ikan

    Dynamic simulation of hybrid differential algebraic systems using GPROMS: case study in emulsion polymerization

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    This paper is deals with dynamic simulation of a semi-batch polymerization reactor for emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in the presence of n-dodecyl mercaptan as chain transfer agent (CTA). Mathematical model of the polymerization reaction involved is used to predict the glass transition temperature of produced polymer, global monomer conversion, the number and weight average molecular weights, the particle size distribution and the amount of residual monomers. This model, a set of hybrid differential algebraic equations (DAEs), is implemented into gPROMS environment for modeling, simulation, and optimization

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Tekanan Darah Digital Berbasis Arduino.

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    Hipertensi merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan dengan prevelensi yang tinggi, dimana sering dianggap remeh oleh masyarakat namun memiliki akibat yang sangat buruk. Melihat dari fenomena tersebut maka diangkatlah penelitian yang berjudul Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Tekanan Darah Digital Berbasis Arduino. Dimana penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat alat pengukur tekanan darah digital berbasis Arduino, serta mengetahui kinerja dari tensimeter digital berbasis Arduino yang telah dirancang. Alat ini merupakan gabungan dari kerja hardware dan software. Hardware yang digunakan adalah MPX5050DP, lowpass filter 10hz orde 2, Arduino, motor DC, selenoid valve, LCD. Software yang digunakan adalah Arduino software. Alat pengukur tekanan darah yang telah berhasil dibuat pada skripsi ini bekerja menggunakan metode oscillometric. Metode oscillometric mengukur tekanan darah dengan cara memonitor setiap perubahan tekanan yang terjadi didalam manset, sehingga dari setiap perubahan tersebut akan diolah kembali untuk mendapatkan tekanan sistol dan diastol. Pada penelitian ini penggunaan metode oscilometric hanya sampai pada tahap menemukan tekanan mean arterial pressure (MAP), yang kemudian dilakukan perhitungan melalui pendekatan nilai untuk mendapatkan tekanan sistol dan diastol. Macam pengujian yang dilakukan adalah karakterisasi sensor dengan hasi

    Analysis of optimal operation of a fed-batch emulsion copolymerization reactor used for production of particles with core-shell morphology

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    In this paper dynamic optimization of a lab-scale semi-batch emulsion copolymerization reactor for styrene and butyl acrylate in the presence of a chain transfer agent (CTA) is studied. The mathematical model of the process, previously developed and experimentally validated, is used to predict the glass transition temperature of produced polymer, the number and weight average molecular weights, the monomers global conversion, the particle size distribution, and the amount of residual monomers. The model is implemented within gPROMS environment for modeling and optimization. It is desired to compute feed rate profiles of pre-emulsioned monomers, inhibitor and CTA that will allow the production of polymer particles with prescribed core-shell morphology with high productivity. The results obtained for different operating conditions and various additional product specifications are presented. The resulting feeding profiles are analyzed from the perspective of the nature of emulsion polymerization process and some interesting conclusions are drawn
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